Thursday, July 23, 2009



The objectives of the study are as follows:

1. Review of the literature to assess the earlier contribution made to the study. To study the CPRS in the district of Keonjhar in the state of Orissa including community forests, pastures and waste lands, ponds and tanks, rivers and rivulets, watershed etc.
2. To identify the role and function of Governments (State/Central) in utilizing the CPRS in the state of Orissa.

3. To suggest a few suitable projects for the study area and to evolve a methodology to co-ordinates and implement CPRS into gainful employment generation.


Village committees should be legally registered and be given legal status. Giving them statutory powers and rights should legally strengthen these committees. This is especially necessary for control/jurisdiction over common property resources as well as joint management of non-arable lands.
Institutional mechanism should be created for equitable distribution of the benefits. At the moment there is not institutional structures to reallocate equitable distribution of CPR benefits among all the villagers. This is highly important to ensure co-operation from all the villagers.

Social Forestry: Another option could be through promoting social forestry. But a critical obstacle to India’s social forestry programme is the lack of people’s participation. Despite severe pressure on public plantations and forests, people in rural areas remain reluctant to plant trees on there own land. Fodder and fire wood is the basic need of these house holds but most people are not interested in producing them since they collect there free of charges from common lands and forests. Since the farmers priority is to generate income, afforest ration is attractive to them only when it involves trees that can fetch cash income.

Tree Growers Societies: The ultimate objective of the tree growers societies is to educate, develop and empower the local people to manage common as well as private property resources in an ecologically sound and economically liberal manner. In the end members of the tree growers’ cooperatives undertake economical restoration mainly through soil and water conservation, planting and protecting trees and ensuring restoration of the proceeds of natural biomass regeneration and degraded village common lands as well as on the private lands.

Income Generation: To increase the income generation in the study area, small business related to Forestry, Agro based, Pisi culture, Medicinal plantation should be given top priority. Moreover small co-operatives should be set up in the field of small-scale wood processing units, bamboo crafts and wood carving units.

As we know panchayats is a cluster of homogeneous villages where the CPRs are abundant but due to the negligence and ignorance of the authorities they are unutilized or underutilized. In order to optimize the utilization of local resources, systematic entrepreneurship development training programmes can be thought of for the potential village entrepreneurs: where the following inputs should be taken care of with the help of the Panchayat institutions, the governmental agencies, and the NGOs. There are

§ Identification of beneficiaries with entrepreneurial qualities for the use of CPR.
§ Identification of Small Business Opportunities
§ Business opportunity guidance
§ Training (Skill, managerial and behavioral);
§ Assistance in raw material and marketing
§ Single-window system for necessary support and guidance at the Panchayat level.
§ Monitoring and follow-up.

Besides the foregoing points, firstly there is a need to go for a comprehensive survey of local resources by the Panchayat. Secondly on the basis of the above inventory, an attempt should be made to identify the gap between resource availability and utilization. Thirdly some technical and managerial skill and training should be imparted to the personnel engaged in the training programmes. The vital and the crucial step is to provide appropriate infrastructure facilities at the Panchayat level.

The researcher feels that his Micro level findings of this small district of Keonjhar of Indian State of Orissa can be generalized and applied to a Macro level i.e. the whole country and the benefit of national development can be reaped. Proper management of CPR will not only develop the particular region but also result in optimum use of a fixed factor of production which is nature’s gift i.e. land which can not be increased with the increase in population.

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